Day 4: Find the positives

Our alarm at 3:45am was soon followed by a thunderstorm. I was a little relieved at first thinking I could get more sleep, but then I quickly remembered what happens in the Midwest after rain/thunderstorms: crazy humidity. Therefore, we went through our normal routine and headed to the starting point for the day at normal time (5:30am) hoping the storms would pass. Along the way we picked up my dad who drove from Indianapolis late last night!!

Today was dedicated to all of my middle and high school cross country and track teammates (and classmates) as well as all of the running and sports coaches I’ve had in my life. I learned many life lessons from all of you especially my Pops!!! He was with me at every cross country and track meet coaching, cheering, and reminding me to relax my shoulders. Well he’s here today to keep coaching and running with me. Love you Toddo!

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We all face daily challenges and whether you live with MS or not most likely you don’t even know what those daily challenges are going to be. Your plans may not go exactly how you wanted, maybe something unexpected happens, maybe your dinner gets burned (I’ve never done that ;), and when you live with MS some days just lifting a leg to get out of bed can be a challenge. But no matter what  daily challenges you may face, there is ALWAYS at least 1 positive thing that you can find. Today was one of those days that brought forth some mental and physical challenges, which made find the little positive things even more important.

Some of my challenges today:

1. It was raining for the first 8 miles and my socks and shoes got all wet

2. I have some gnarly blisters that turned to calluses and wet socks don’t help that

3. I started on busier roads today with a small shoulder so there was a lot more dodging cars, stopping to let cars pass, getting sprayed with all the water after semis went by, and not too many cornfields to pee in.

4. My legs were feeling pretty sore.

However, if I would have dwelled on these challenges all day there is no way in hell that I would have made it the whole 26 miles. So here are the positives that I got me through the run:

1. It was raining which meant that there were lots of puddles to jump in and that is one of my absolutely favorite things to do (besides run in the rain)

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2. My dad was able to run/bike with me. Because of logistics of moving the RV to a new campground he had to drive along and meet up with me but it was the best feeling when I saw him riding or running towards me. Thanks Pops!!

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3. I have never had blisters like this before so my feet are getting tougher and if that is the only pain I have, well I can deal with it.

4. While I love the sunshine, but when I’m running in Farmland Ohio, I love the clouds even more. Today was an absolutely incredible running day which gave me the strength to push through!

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5. Dad always collected cans on our walk/runs growing up so today he collected a whole bunch and is going to turn them in and donate the money to the run. Thanks, Dad for teaching me the importance of taking care of the earth we live on!

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6. When Sloan and Anne came to run on Monday we all ran in animal hats. Of course my had to be orange so I chose the Tiger. I texted Sloan because this tiger needed a name. He  saved the day during yesterday’s intense run so I have worn him every day since. Naturally he came up with the name JT the Tiger after our good friend James who was the most incredible person. Anyone who met James instantly had a smile on their face and became a better person. James lost is fight with Leukemia and is not one of the most incredible angels watching over us. JT, you are with me every step of the way and I couldn’t be more honored to be your friend.

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7. Hitting the 100 mile mark. I actually made it to 104 miles, which means I am in the double digits my friends!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!

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8.Getting all of the texts, emails, posts from all of you. Words can’t really explain how you all are on this run with me. I know I’m not in this alone and that means more than you know!

Just remember when you are faced with a daily challenge, there has got to be something positive that can come from it.

Time for some sleep…Never would I dream that I would think getting up at 4 am is sleeping in!!!


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