Day 6: A leap of faith

3:45 couldn’t come soon enough this morning because I got to see my husband, Andy. He drove 9 hours from NC getting only 3 hours of sleep and sleeping in his car just to be able to spend the day with me. Now that is true love!! It was so incredible to have him here by my side.

Today was dedicated to my faith and my incredibly supportive husband Andy. I truly believe God has a plan for all of us as long as we listen. So grateful that I listened to Him when He put Andy in my life. He is the most supportive, positive, and adventure seeking person I know. I am a better person because of you, Andrew. Love you

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I wore different shoes today that I really didn’t like during my training but they are ultra running shoes, so they have more cushion. My legs were a mess after yesterday, so I decided to give them a try today. Holy cow did they make a huge difference. I didn’t feel my blister and I ran most of the day.

It was another incredible sunrise and was actually chilly as I started running, so of course I wanted to get as many miles in before it got blazing hot out again.

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Today was full of some awesome rolling hills. Some were definitely a bit more challenging than others, but it reminded me of being back home in Raleigh during my training so I stretched out my stride and dominated those bad boys. My legs were enjoying it so much they told me to keep going, so I busted out 28 miles so we would have less to do tomorrow!!

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My reflection today was all about taking a leap of faith.There is so much that we all are faced with in life and we all face very different things. However, one thing I have learned in the past but truly forgot until the last 6 days of this incredible journey, is in order to grow as a person and have an impact in this world, we all have to take a leap of faith and believe that we will be given wings to survive. There is no way I would be where I am today if I did not put myself out there and hope, pray, and believe that God was going to take care of me.

Faith has always been important to me, but is something that I definitely lost and grew away from for the past several years for many different reasons. About 6 months ago, Andy and I took a huge leap of faith and stepped WAY out of our comfort zone and decided to join a small group of young couples from our church. We knew no one and had no clue what to expect, so we went in with an open mind to give it a try. All I can say is that we are so glad we listened to a calling that we were very unsure of but felt right. These are some of the most down to earth, incredible people who met us where we are in our faith, and are walking with us along our journey. It’s all about taking a leap of faith wherever you are in your life.

I definitely took a leap of faith opening my life up to Andy. It was not something that was easy but he made me feel so comfortable and it was like we knew each other for years after meeting each other once. He is one of the most incredible people I know. I couldn’t imagine anyone else by my side. It was so great to have him here today to see what my journey has been like over the past 6 days.

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The biggest thing I have learned this week is to be in the moment and to truly appreciate it. Put your phone on silent, put aside the schedule and just live right now in this moment. Even if it’s just for a little bit each day. None of us know what the next moment may hold so enjoy it NOW!

Here are some fun photos from our day:

I have gotten used to dogs coming down the drive way to protect their house but definitely not a goat
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This is some of the farm equipment that I have seen more than cars over the past 6 days

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I passed this little produce stand where they have the honor system and you pay and take. I had $2 on me so I was tempted to get some squash and zucchini but then I quickly remembered I’d have to carry it 4 miles.

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Tim found some cans for my dad’s collection.

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There’s always time to stop and pose on a bridge

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It was such a relief when I looked down the road and saw this awesomeness coming towards me

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I think this is the closes I’ve come to a horse in about 15 years. Horses and I don’t always get along. See it’s all about getting out of your comfort zone.

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My mom, Grandma and Aunt Ginny drove from Indianapolis tonight to be here for the finish tomorrow, so they brought us a little picnic dinner at our campsite!! So excited to see my sisters and in laws tomorrow!!!

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It’s so hard to believe that I have only 1 day and 19 miles to go. You all have been with me every step of this journey and I couldn’t be more grateful. I truly couldn’t have done it without you.

We don’t have to be up until 5:00 tomorrow!! Yippee!!! Have a great weekend!!

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